What is ADHD?
William Wrentmore William Wrentmore

What is ADHD?

First, if you are here seeking information for yourself or someone you love, WELCOME!

It might be cliche to repeat the overused phrase, "You are not alone," but it would be an accurate statement. We really are everywhere, people with ADHD and our loved ones alike. While there still exists some stigma surrounding ADHD, things have gotten much better in recent years; there is a greater understanding and an abundance of resources available to us.

If you were recently diagnosed with ADHD, it is not uncommon for the days and weeks following an ADHD diagnosis to be a little rocky. Some experience feelings of relief and understanding, a sense of empowerment, a call to action. A diagnosis can summon unexpected emotions, a bewildering sludge of shame and sorrow, anger and frustration, regret and isolation.

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What is ADHD Life Coaching?
William Wrentmore William Wrentmore

What is ADHD Life Coaching?

ADHD Life Coaching is Life Coaching with the added training, knowledge, and understanding of ADHD applied. An ADHD Life Coach also provides skills coaching and ADHD education.

In practical terms, as part of our process, we will explore and consider the unique ways you experience life with ADHD. We will work to recognize your gifts and strengths and apply them toward your goals. We will also work to create solutions for the ways ADHD challenges you. I can provide information and resources to help you better understand ADHD.

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Sleep is always number one. ADHD Sleep Hygiene.
William Wrentmore William Wrentmore

Sleep is always number one. ADHD Sleep Hygiene.

Along with the rest of our metabolic needs, like nutrition, hydration, exercise, and consistency with medication, we talk about ADHD sleep hygiene a lot in ADHD coaching.

If I were to pick the number one thing we can do to help manage ADHD, it would be to get sleep dialed in. At least seven, hopefully uninterrupted, hours of sleep a night on most nights.

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