Where are you now?
Where do you want to be?
How do we get you there?

Let's find out.


ADHD Life Coaching is a powerful way to help us learn to manage many of our challenges with ADHD; time management, priority setting, establishing routines that support our lives, healthy sleep routines, creating and maintaining healthy work-life boundaries, and understanding why we procrastinate so we can do something about it. There are many more aspects of ADHD Life that we can address during coaching.

I am a certified ADHD Life Coach and ICF member with hundreds of clients from all backgrounds worldwide and years of coaching clients. I also facilitate weekly adult ADHD support groups.

My coaching style focuses on the whole person and individual, encouraging discovery and creating solutions that work for you to provide transformative and lasting results through practice.


Consultation sessions are for you to talk about your needs, ask questions about coaching, get to know me a little, and explore how coaching could help you.


I mainly coach adults, but I also coach high school and college students.
An ADHD diagnosis is not required for us to work together.


Coaching sessions take place over the telephone. If you prefer, sessions can also take place via video-conferencing from your computer or smartphone. This arrangement allows you to find a quiet place where you feel comfortable and have what you need to support your process. And there is no driving, traffic, or parking to deal with either. We can even work a session while you are traveling. :-)


About Bill

The short, detail-sparse, digested version:

I am a Certified ADHD Life Coach (CALC) through the International ADHD Coach Training Center, accredited by the International Coaching Federation.

I also have ADHD.

I have navigated a 30-year multifaceted and successful career, primarily working in tech for companies you would know. While I am not coaching, I also dedicate myself to volunteering in the service of others, which centered on Search and Rescue, disaster response, and Emergency Communications.

After my ADHD diagnosis as an adult, I began learning as much as possible about this enormous thing we call ADHD. It was a combination of classes and workshops and all the fantastic people I have met along the way that led me to realize coaching was where I needed to be.

My favorite color changes depending on the position of the planets and the phase of the moon. I have too many hobbies. I love deep dark melodic trance and electronica, but I grew up with the headbangers and rock gods. I love eating, and cooking, food from all over the world. Spice is life! I love campfires under the stars and adventures in the green. I am a Science Fiction addict. But I also prefer Science related programming. I have Resting Angry Face. My beard has a birthday. I daydream a lot. I cry in movies, always.

Testimonials from clients

  • Kind and Insightful -- Emily KB

    I felt very safe working with Bill. We're based on different coasts, so we met via teleconference, but his warmth and kindness were apparent in all of our interactions. I needed help following a drastic career change, and he helped me clarify what I needed in order to move forward. Bill asks insightful questions. His approach was to let me lead and help me strategize, rather than give me a set of homework-like tasks related to organization. Unlike a lot of resources I've tried, Bill never made me feel criticized or marketed to. I'd recommend working with Bill to anyone who is feeling lost about how to handle their ADHD constructively. He truly helped me get unstuck.

From my blog

Fees and FAQ

  • Coaching sessions are $50.

    There is no charge for initial consultation sessions. Consultation sessions give you the opportunity to tell me what you need, ask questions, and see if we are a fit for coaching together.

  • We meet over Zoom or by telephone, for now. In the future, I will have an office and office hours where we can meet in person.

    You will be provided a Zoom link when sessions are booked, connect to the Zoom at the time of your appointment. Please start things up a little early so we can start on-time.

    If you prefer the telephone, you will call ‪(360) 218-4448 at the time of your appointment.

  • Coaching works best if you come to each session with an agenda and an idea of the changes you would like us to work toward. I ask that you call in from a location where you feel able to communicate openly, free from distractions, and where you can give the session your full attention.

  • During a session, you and I work together to explore the goals, improvements, or challenges you bring to the session. The agenda is up to you, I will follow your lead and work to keep you on topic. Our conversation will be geared toward building awareness, acceptance, and understanding. We might formulate goals or actions in a session, but single sessions are less of a race with a finish line destination, as they are a process of building awareness, acceptance, and understanding.

  • Coaching is not meant to be something you do constantly forever. My goal as a coach is to help you build awareness, acceptance, skills, and practice to navigate meaningful, demonstrated, and lasting change. Three to six months is average for my clients. Some return later with new challenges or goals. Some clients come back for a few sessions here and there to revisit things we previously worked on. Some reduce the frequency of coaching sessions and continue on a bit longer.

  • Initially, most clients start with weekly coaching sessions. Some prefer every other week. Some clients start weekly and then change to every other week. It really depends on what works for your schedule and finances.

  • What happens if I don’t call/arrive at our appointment time?

    You can cancel and reschedule appointments yourself via the booking system up to 24 hours in advance without any penalty.

    If it is within 24 hours of the appointment, I ask that you call, text, or email me to let me know. Generally, this is not a problem and we can reschedule without penalty. I will begin charging for the missed appointment after three short-notice cancellations.

    You will be charged for the session if you fail to arrive without notifying me via email, phone, or text. bill@williamwrentmore.com ‪(360) 218-4448. I will close the session after 10 minutes of waiting.

    Missed appointments can be rescheduled via the booking system if there are open appointments that week, but there is no credit for missed sessions. Payment will be required for the newly scheduled session.

    The booking system sends text and email reminders of your appointment times.

    I sometimes will text late clients 5 minutes after our start time to check-in, most times we connect and start the session. Be aware that missed time is not extended to the session end time; we still end at the scheduled time.

    In the rare but likely eventual event that, without notice, I am unable to make a session we have scheduled: you will not be charged for the missed session and it will be rescheduled.

  • Credit card payment is the most convenient method at this time.

    Our Booking system, Janeapp, also processes payments for us. Credit cards will be charged at the time of each appointment. PDF invoice receipts will be emailed to you with each transaction.

    I also accept Venmo but will require payment before we start each session. Failure to pay may result in cancellation.

    I do not accept cash or checks at this time.